Finch Care Guide

Despite not being cuddly or hands-on, Finches make great and easy to maintain pet birds in almost any home. Learn all you need to know about Finch care here.
Finch Size:
The Finch can vary in size from about 4 to 8 inches at full maturity and they normally live between 6 and 10 years in captivity with proper care and depending on the specific species.
Finch Care:
Though smaller in size, Finches still need plenty of room to move and fly about in their cages, especially since they’ll spend most of their time there. These aren’t birds to be handled much.
They also do better in pairs than alone but be prepared if you keep a pair of opposite gender together, offspring are highly likely.
Finch Diet:
Fortified seeds and fresh fruits and vegetables should make up about 30% of their diet, with specialized pellets making up the rest for a well-balanced nutrition and a healthy bird.
Be sure to keep their water clean and fresh.
Finch Habitat:
As mentioned already, despite their small size Finches need a lot of room in their cage to move and fly about. In the case of these birds, horizontal width is more important than vertical height when it comes to cage size.
The cage should also have ample perches for them (not above their food or water bowls please, and a few toys will help to keep them amused and happy.
Finch Behavior:
Finches need the company of their own kind to thrive. They’re not solitary birds by any means, but they also don’t generally like a lot of hands-on interaction with their human owners, so keeping them in pairs or even a small flock is best for the birds.
When happy and healthy Finches will play and sing their chirping songs to let you know.
Keep them stimulated with plenty of toys, especially puzzle-type foraging toys so they have to work for their treats.
Finch Care Synopsis:
Finch care is relatively low-maintenance. As long as they’re kept in pairs then the primary care needs will be keeping their food and water bows full of fresh goodies, and their cage clean of droppings and mess.
Some more useful information on Finches and their care can be found here and here.

Aerika Pedersen – Full-time writer, bird owner, and mother.
Aerika spent three years caring for birds at the Antwerp ZOO in Belgium before deciding to start her own family and write from home to share her experience and knowledge with other bird lovers.